Tips & Tricks

AWS Cli Commands to remember

Just some commands to remember so we can look it up easily.

Upload Certificate:
aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name ulyaoth --certificate-body file://2_ulyaoth.crt --private-key file://3_ulyaoth.key --certificate-chain file://1_Intermediate.crt --path /cloudfront/

Delete Certificate:
aws iam delete-server-certificate --server-certificate-name ulyaoth

Sync S3: (add –dryrun for test)
aws s3 sync --delete .\Repository\RPMs\ s3:// --exclude "*System Volume Information/*"

Cloudfront Batch Invalidation: (invalidate-ulyaoth-repository-fedora.json)
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --invalidation-batch file://invalidate-ulyaoth-repository-fedora.json --distribution-id XXXXXXX

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